What are the top 4 Tips for Facial feminization Rhinoplasty/ Nose Job?

· Feminization of the nose is one of the most requested procedures for transgender women to harmonize the nose in relation to the forehead and upper and lower jaws.
· Nasal feminization surgery is done to make the nose smaller, as a characteristic of the female nose, by bringing the bridge down and refining the nasal tip point upwards.
· Facial feminization rhinoplasty offers a softer appearance of the nose profile along with other facial features.
· Rhinoplasty surgery performed for facial feminization can also correct discomforts like a deviated septum or help fix broken nasal bones or respiratory failure.
Feminization of the nose is considered a treatment protocol for transgender transformation, typically from male to female. It makes a substantial contribution to restoring a gender identity, as well as improving the self-esteem and quality of life for trans women.
Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., a board-certified plastic surgeon and Managing Director of Dr. Karishma Aesthetics, noted that during the past few years, several feminization techniques had been adapted for facial feminization, such as forehead reconstruction, lip lift, lower jaw, and chin recontouring, cheek procedures, thyroid cartilage recontouring, and nose job. The facial feminization technique can also include hairline advancement, hair transplants, brow lifts, and lip lifts. However, a tailor-made plan is required for every trans woman who wants nasal feminization surgery.
As plastic surgeons, we look at a couple of things for feminization of the nose concerning the assessment of the patient's gender status on the scale of transgender transformation, and then only carefully custom tailor the operation to meet an aesthetic result beyond gender differences.
Dr. Karishma explains the top 4 tips for facial feminization rhinoplasty that must be considered while planning the FFS:
1. Smaller nose more feminine: The smaller nose is considered more feminine, which says your nose profile should have a softer appearance, meaning reduced nose width and raised nasal tip to give it a more feminine appearance. The nose appearance should be harmonized with the other modified facial features, such as the forehead and maxillomandibular complex. By removing a caudal portion of the septum, including some mucosa, a significant alteration can be done in length, along with some tip rotation. The view of making the bridge and tip smaller, with a narrower nose bridge, is about achieving a more feminine nasal profile.
2. Removing the nasal bridge bone: Bringing the bridge down is another top consideration for your nose feminization surgery. Plastic surgeons who are experts in facial feminization rhinoplasty remove any excess bridge composed of bone and cartilage for an optimal result. Moreover, the cartilaginous hump is resected, and the bony bridge is reduced to achieve a more feminine nasal appearance.
3. Rotating the tip up: Rotating the tip up, not crazy up, is the next priority for a facial feminization rhinoplasty. Refinement of the tip with a slightly raised status helps reshape the nose to fit the most feminine facial features.
4. Forehead reconstruction and rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty is a highly customized procedure that requires a thorough evaluation before planning the surgical job. Regarding facial feminization rhinoplasty, the topmost concern is meeting the gender identity given to a trans woman. However, to achieve optimal results, nasal feminization may combine with other procedures, such as forehead reconstruction, lip lift, cheek augmentation, jaw angle reduction, or chin width reduction.
Dr, Karishma Kagodu has a particular interest in rhinoplasty procedures for both men and women, with the credit of satisfying thousands of patients worldwide. In addition, she is skilled in developing a précised plan to create a nose that is the best fit for transgender people with a gender identity that differs from the sex assigned to them at birth, as an alteration for the nose can be essential in their transition.
If you want to know more or looking for facial feminization rhinoplasty surgery in Bangalore, get in touch with Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., at Dr. Karishma Aesthetics on +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, +91 7624809006 and schedule your one-on-one consultation today.
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