What You Need to Know about Septoplasty (Nose) Surgery in Bangalore

“A harmonious nose structure with the surgery now no more obsessions with a birth defect!”
- Is your nose letting your confidence down?
- Do you want to improve the shape and form of your nose?
- Are you living with a deviated septum caused by a birth defect, accident, or trauma?
- Are you experiencing difficulty in breathing due to nose blockages?
- Are you affected by long-term sinuses and the nasal airway is blocked?
Yes, the answer is septoplasty or nose job surgery if any of the above issues are your concern, you are the right candidate!
What is Septoplasty Surgery?
Septoplasty surgery is performed to correct the deviated septum of the nose in which the septum is modified, moved, or changed in order to reform nasal blockage and smoothening the nasal airways. This surgery of septoplasty involves a lot of precision and perfection that comes after years of experience in performing the nose job surgery/septoplasty or rhinoplasty.
The goal of septoplasty surgery is to strengthen the septum in such a way that a nose could achieve an aesthetic shape, form, and at the same time corrects nasal blockage/breathing issues. At Dr. Karishma aesthetics, DR. Karishma and her team of specialist ENT surgeons have the expertise in correcting the deviated septum and they are credited for giving a number of good results for septoplasty surgery in Bangalore. Patients from across the globe have been availed the benefits of septoplasty surgery in Bengaluru, India.
What is a Deviated Septum?
The deviated septum is an issue that generally occurs with birth and that is why it is termed as a birth defect. The nasal septum supports the nose and separates the right and left nasal passage, which is composed of bone and cartilage. The septoplasty surgery/nose job is performed to modify, move, or change the structure of the septum in such a way that it could relax the breathing and sort out the issue of blocked nasal passages. In general, a deviated septum can be moderate, mild, or severe depending on the degree of deviation.
What to expect with Septoplasty Surgery?
- Assessment of the patients:
Prior to starting the surgery your surgeon will review your problem state and respond to your asked queries if any. They will advise completing some formal routine tests such as blood tests, X-rays, and a CT scan of the Nasal sinuses - Preparation for surgery:
Septoplasty is performed with either general or local anaesthesia that is discussed properly with the patient prior to doing the surgery. When the surgeon chooses the local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation, it is communicated with the patient. It is instructed by the surgeon when and how to take particular medications after the surgery.
In order to reduce the risk of bleeding, it is advisable to avoid oral blood-thinning medications up to a week before the procedure. - The Procedure of Septoplasty:
The attempt of the septoplasty surgery is focused to strengthen bent bone and cartilage in the septum. The mucosa lining is lifted that covers the bone and cartilage. The reshaping of cartilage and bone is done and after that surgeon puts the lining back in place.
Dr. Karishma Kagodu routinely performs septoplasty surgery at her clinic and she has the credit of correct the deviated septum for both national as well as international patients.
The nasal airways blocking caused by turbinates are also corrected by the septoplasty via shrinking them with radiofrequency reduction. In some particular cases, a portion of turbinates is removed effectively. - Results & Recovery:
There is a 100% success rate of septoplasty surgery if it is performed by an expert and a board-certified ENT surgeon or Rhinoplasty surgeon.
After the Procedure, the effect of surgery is jotted down below:
Drowsiness & Nausea:
The patient might feel drowsiness and nausea for a few hours following surgery. Pain is also very common after surgery. The after-effect of the surgery is very common and shouldn’t be considered as a serious concern. The surgeon will prescribe some medications to ease the discomfort.
The nasal packing is placed after the surgery in order to achieve proper healing. The nasal packing is removed once you get discharged from the hospital.
One can go home the same day of the surgery if it is not reported to experience any discomfort.
What is important to achieve proper healing?
The patient is expected to avoid the following things after the surgery in order to achieve easy healing/recovery: -
- Don’t blow your nose for at least 3-4 days
- Avoid alcohol for a few weeks
- Avoid smoking or tobacco
- Don’t resume office work too soon.
The Risks associated and how to overcome it?
Although septoplasty surgery involves very minimal risks, one must aware of the potential complications or discomfort and approach your plastic surgeon with any concerns.
Some side effects/risks associated with Septoplasty are as follows: -
- Bleeding: Bleeding is very common with any surgical procedure and the patient can tolerate it easily. But, in some cases when heavy bleeding is experienced, the surgeon will take the necessary steps either by stopping the procedure or a packed red blood cell transfusion. It is only very rarely seen.
- Infection: the chances of infection with nasal surgery are common and it is controlled effectively by the proper medications.
- Numbness: The tooth and nose numbness can be experienced after septoplasty because some of the nasal nerves are associated with the gums, front teeth, and upper jaw.
- Spinal fluid leak: It is a very rare complication and the occurrence of the same is negligible to less than 1%.
- Changing in taste & smelling sense: Though it is a very rare complication but can be counted under risk due to the anatomy difference with every individual.
On the whole, we can say that septoplasty surgery is a most challenging job in the plastic & cosmetic surgery fraternity that requires much attention, expertise, and precision in order to offer the best results possible. One is advised to go for a primary consultation with the board-certified plastic surgeon and then only plan the procedure as per the surgeon’s advice.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.