Buccal Fat Removal/Cheek Reduction Surgery in Bangalore

Buccal fat removal or cheek reduction surgery is required when someone is worried about the chubby or fatty cheeks that obstruct you from having an aesthetically acceptable V-line facial profile. A V-line face shape is considered the most acceptable photogenic facial feature that comes with a slim cheek or when your cheek is free from unnecessary fat or buccal fat. However, buccal fat removal surgery is in demand mostly sought by young women, models, and actresses.
Buccal fat removal surgery improves your V-line face shape and accentuates your facial profile by removing excess fat from lower cheeks. The cheek reduction surgery helps in making cheekbone more defined and one get able to achieve a chiseled look. Since it is a highly customized procedure due to the size variation of the buccal fat pad with every patient/client, thus the cost of buccal fat removal surgery in Bangalore may vary from patient to patient.
DR. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M Ch, found that Asian patients seeking buccal fat removal surgery a lot rather than any other geographical regions’ clients because they complain that they don't have V-line facial definition, and especially Southeast Asia comes on the hot list for demanding this surgery.
You May Want A Buccal Fat Removal Surgery/Cheek Reduction Procedure If You:
ü Have chubby cheeks
ü Have narrow face and broad cheek areas
ü Have overall good health
ü Have realistic expectations
The Procedure of Buccal Fat Removal:
I. It is performed under local anesthesia.
II. A small incision of about 1-1.5 cm is made inside the mouth.
III. The fat tissue inside the jowl is exposed through the incision and now the surgeon will remove excess fat from the jowl area.
IV. The dissolved threads are used to close the incision.
V. The bandage is not required after the procedure, thus it’s a hassle-free procedure.
VI. It’s just a 30-minute procedure, and then you’re good to go home the very same day.
VII. Since the whole procedure is performed inside the mouth, no chances of unwanted scars are there.
Top FACTS of Buccal Fat Removal Surgery are as follows: -
1. Buccal fat removal surgery can be performed in conjugation with a facelift procedure.
2. It is just a half an hour procedure and one can go home the same day.
3. It accentuates facial features by improving the V-line shape of the face.
4. The recovery time is shorter, usually takes 1-2 weeks.
5. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which pain level is mild to moderate can be controlled effectively with prescribed pain medication.
If you have any questions you can find DR. Karishma Kagodu by filling the appointment form online on our website and obviously on our Instagram, you can direct message (DM) us if you want to know more about buccal fat reduction surgery in Bangalore, India.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.