Cosmetic vs. Medical Reasons for a Nose Job | Rhinoplasty Surgery

· Did you know that every year countless nose job procedures are performed according to a statistical report stated by ASPS (American Society of Plastic surgeons)?
· Did you know that rhinoplasty surgery has a pivotal role in addressing nasal defects and deformities from an accident or injury and also corrects breathing issues?
· Did you know that when a nose job is performed to reshape the interior passageways of the nose and the exterior to help improve breathing, it is referred to as a functional rhinoplasty?
· Did you know that a nose job surgery is designed to impact the nasal appearance and medical procedures to improve the function of the nose?
In India, Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most requested procedures for both men and women, as the nose is the most protruding part of the face. And every year, a massive number of patients sought-after the nose job to achieve an aesthetic facial harmony match to their other facial features. In the USA, rhinoplasty is among the top five plastic surgery procedures plastic surgeons perform, as stated by the ISAPS. Since quality treatment at an affordable cost is available in India, especially in cities like Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi, and Jaipur, the outstation patients take particular interest in joining medical tourism in India and avail the benefits of plastic surgery procedures.
Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., a board-certified plastic surgeon specially trained in rhinoplasty with the world-famous Dr. Nazim Cerkes at the Cosmed Clinic, Istanbul, in Turkey. Dr. Karishma says that a nose job is surgery of a millimetre, as even a millimetre difference can alter your overall appearance. However, extreme mastery is required to perform such sophisticated tasks. The success rate of rhinoplasty in India is about 98-99%, making the procedure a more prominent choice even for foreign clients/patients. And we primarily draw patients from Dubai, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.
Common Medical Reasons for Rhinoplasty / Nose job:
If a rhinoplasty surgery is performed for medical reasons, such as birth defects, deformities caused by an injury, or correcting breathing, the insurance companies typically reimburse the cost of the procedure. However, it is necessary to talk to your insurance carrier and plastic surgeon before undergoing rhinoplasty for medical reasons to avail the benefits.
1. Deviated septum/ Chronic sinus problems: Deviated nasal septum can cause chronic sinus problems, including sinus congestion and nasal allergy. A deviated septum can present at birth as a birth defect (occurring during fetal development) or due to injury during childbirth. Deviated septum is a condition when the thin wall that separates your right and left nasal passages — is displaced to one side. The condition can cause breathing problems, snoring, congestion, difficulty breathing, infections, nosebleeds, or sleep apnea when left untreated. However, a nose job procedure is required to address these concerns.
2. Cleft Palate or Cleft Lip: This is another reason for rhinoplasty that occurs due to a birth defect. If left untreated, the condition can cause difficulty eating in children. It is a medical condition, but it can also affect facial harmony. However, a nose job is required to correct the condition, which also improves a person's facial appearance.
3. Other medical conditions: Some of the other medical conditions that might necessitate rhinoplasty surgery include:
· Injuries
· Nasal inflammation caused by chronic allergies,
· Burns,
· Broken noses,
· Deformities.
Cosmetic Reasons to undergo Rhinoplasty Surgery:
An ideal nose shape, size, and contour can help compliment your face or overall facial appearance. However, Rhinoplasty is for solely aesthetic reasons that can alter the shape, size, contour, proportion, and overall facial appearance by addressing appearance concerns and improving overall facial harmony. Sometimes, your plastic surgeon may combine a nose job with a chin implant to help balance out your facial features more aesthetically.
Rhinoplasty performed for cosmetic purposes do the following job:
· Narrowing or widening the nostrils
· Narrowing the nose bridge
· Reshaping the nose tip
· Straightening the crooked nose
· Altering the angle between the upper lip and nose.
If you want to know more or looking for a nose job/ rhinoplasty surgery in Bangalore, get in touch with Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., at Dr. Karishma Aesthetics on +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, +91 7624809006 and schedule your in-person consultation today.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.