Porcelain Or Ceramic Veneers? How Are They Different? Which Is Right for You?

"Board-certified dentists create dental veneers, discovered a way to make artificial teeth last longer, which helps improve a person's smile by correcting stained, cracked, short, chipped, gapped, and irregularly shaped teeth!"
· Do you know the making of dental veneers is a précised task, as it must be custom-fitted to each patient's natural teeth's shape, shade, and alignment?
· Do you know dental veneers are the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry and a type of teeth restoration procedure that acts as a cover adhered directly onto an original tooth?
· Do you know the most basic differences between ceramic and porcelain veneers are that ceramic veneers are less permanent than porcelain veneers and require less enamel removal before application?
· Do you know porcelain veneers can last ten years and beyond and are ultra-stain resistant?
What Are Dental Veneers?
Many people struggle with stained, yellowish, crooked teeth and find it challenging to interact in public. Initially, veneers were used by Hollywood celebrities only due to the costly cosmetic dentistry affair. Still, now dental veneers are easily accessible to every class of people owing to the benefits of affordable dental veneers in Bangalore. Before discussing anything in detail, one must know dental veneers were developed by a celebrity dentist, Dr. Charles Pincus, in the 1920s. Of course, the Hollywood industry popularized using veneers for everyone. It became the most sought-after dental cosmetic procedure today.
A dental veneer is a custom-tailored shell created to fit over the front surface of your teeth and can perfectly conceal imperfections like cracks, chips, stains, misalignment, and misshapen. Thus, veneers are significantly used to correct teeth imperfections and improve your smile long-term. Several types of veneers are available, and choosing a specific one is based on the patient's unique goals and realistic expectations.
How Do Veneers Work?
Veneers work by camouflaging aesthetic imperfections, including cracked teeth, gaps, discoloration, and other cosmetic flaws that may cause your smile to be challenging in public.
Veneers are artificial teeth that are fitted onto an original tooth, and the process of fitting involves the following steps:
· At the first stage, our board-certified dentist will shave a small amount of enamel from the targeted teeth that require improvement and, in this way, create space for veneers to be installed.
· Next, the impression of teeth is taken to send out to the laboratory for a custom-fitted veneer-making process.
· Finally, veneers are fitted over the front surfaces of your teeth using a cement bonding agent.
Different Types of Veneers: Porcelain vs. Ceramic
Veneers are a great option to achieve the best dental profile, as they remove stains, chips, and cracks, help improve teeth appearance, and give a more uniform look by addressing crooked teeth and covering gaps. However, veneers are the most popular cosmetic dental procedure anyone wants to have to improve their smile.
Veneers are of several types: ceramic, porcelain, no-prep veneers, and removable. But, the most common types of veneers are ceramic and porcelain used in cosmetic dentistry.
1. Ceramic Veneers: Ceramic veneers are also known as composite veneers that are faster to install, easier to afford, less invasive, and budget-friendly for those who want a temporary solution for various reasons, such as lifestyle, profession, or cost concerns. However, ceramic or composite veneers, made of a more porous material than porcelain veneers, are less permanent and generally quicker to get done. Moreover, in most cases, it does not require enamel removal or less enamel removal before application, and ceramic veneers can stain over time.
2. Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are a great option for restoring a smile for the long-lasting, and it takes a bit longer to install. Porcelain veneers are durable solutions that require removing a layer of enamel from your existing teeth to create a space for installing veneers. However, it is a costly affair, but results can last up to 10-20 years, and the most important aspect is that porcelain veneers do not stain over time. Moreover, porcelain veneers significantly solve gapped, crooked and pronounced discoloration.
An affordable option |
A costly affair |
It can last up to 5-7 years |
Last up to 10-20+ years |
Not stain-resistant |
Ultra stain resistant |
Not cost worthy in the long run |
Better long-term investment |
Easier to install |
It takes a bit longer to install |
Not a versatile option |
A versatile option and can be replaced if required |
It is inevitable to schedule an in-person consultation with a board-certified dentist if you seek teeth veneers to restore your smile. Even though ceramic or composite veneers are affordable, they are recommended only when the high cost is prohibited to a patient. Porcelain veneers are custom-tailored, fit your mouth better, give a long-lasting solution to several aesthetic imperfections, and are the top recommendation in cosmetic dentistry.
Without a doubt, porcelain veneers are the best way to go if you want to improve your teeth' appearance and smile as a long-term comprehensive treatment for all your aesthetic dentistry concerns.
If you are in Indiranagar, Bangalore, and want to restore your smile, call Dr. Karishma Aesthetics at +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, or +91 7624809006, and schedule an appointment today.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.