Forget professional treatments, dentists reveal four fruits to whiten your teeth

Forget professional treatments, dentists reveal four fruits to whiten your teeth

A radiant smile is a confidence booster, but stubborn stains can leave you feeling less than pearly white. While professional whitening treatments offer dramatic results, there are natural options (read: everyday kitchen ingredients), too!

Your refrigerator might hold the key to a brighter smile! Fruits like watermelon, papaya, and strawberries contain malic acid, a gentle bleaching agent that can help lighten surface stains. These fruits also stimulate saliva production, which helps wash away food debris and bacteria contributing to discoloration.

However, Dr. Niyati Arora, Prosthodontist at Krown Hub Dental Clinic, Pitampura, emphasized that simply eating these fruits won’t be enough. For optimal results, combine them with good oral hygiene and limit stain-causing foods like coffee and red wine.

Pineapple also packs a whiter punch thanks to enzymes called papain and bromelain. These enzymes break down protein stains on the surface of your teeth, leaving them looking brighter, Dr Arora said. However, she reminds us that natural remedies are best used for maintenance after professional whitening.

While natural whitening methods are tempting, Dr Nisha Thakkar, Cosmetic Dentist at Dr Karishma Aesthetics, warns against relying solely on them. At-home remedies using baking soda, charcoal, or lemon juice can be abrasive and damage tooth enamel if not used correctly. She said that professional treatments are far more effective and controlled, offering longer-lasting results.

The winning formula

The key to a dazzling smile lies in a combination of approaches, noted both Dr Thakkar and Dr Arora:

Brushing and flossing: This is the foundation of good oral hygiene and removes surface stains.

Healthy eating: Crunchy fruits and vegetables naturally help remove plaque while you chew.

Natural whiteners: Use them in moderation for maintenance after professional whitening or to address mild stains.

Professional whitening: For dramatic results and long-lasting effects, consult a dentist for professional whitening treatments.

A healthy smile starts with a healthy routine. By combining good oral hygiene with natural and professional whitening options, you can achieve a brighter, more confident smile. However, always consult with your dentist before starting any new whitening regimen, especially if you have any pre-existing dental conditions.

Source - Indian Express

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