How Body Positivity Goes Hand in Hand with Plastic Surgery

· Plastic cosmetic surgeries and aesthetic enhancement help people regain the self-confidence they lost due to compromised body or facial appearance.
· Plastic cosmetic surgery goes hand in hand with body positivity because everyone deserves an aesthetically accepted body figure and facial appearance.
· The body-positive goal includes addressing the unrealistic body standard set by society.
· Plastic cosmetic surgery's goal includes making you feel and look beautiful from head to toe.
Today, body positivity is the idea that everyone deserves a positive body image regardless of color, complexion, features, and status. However, the concept of body positivity has taken momentum in the beauty world, paving the way for accepting the realistic beauty goal. And at the same time, the goal of plastic cosmetic surgeries meets the challenges of people's beauty desire that influence them to go hand in hand with cosmetic surgery's advancements.
Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., a board-certified plastic surgeon and head of Dr. Karishma Aesthetics, Indiranagar, also runs her practice at Kinder women's hospital, Whitefield, in Bangalore, says that women of today demand the procedures more aesthetic than the unrealistic set of beauty meters, which is very far from the showbiz standards.
What is Body Positivity?
Body positivity implies feeling good and having a positive attitude about your body appearance regardless of size, weight, height, color, and complexion. Unfortunately, many believe body positivity encourages obesity by accepting all body types, which is wrong. Instead, body positivity means making your body beautiful and aesthetically acceptable and doing what feels best physically and mentally. A report published in Forbes magazine stated the views of two models, named Stephanie Viada and Veronica Sams, who are strong proponents of the body-positive movements, noted that body positivity is the disciplined activities towards making your look beautiful and feel good whatever you practice in your day-to-day life for a healthy physical and mental wellbeing.
The body positivity goals include the following points:
· Addressing the unrealistic body standard set by the masses or society
· Encourage the acceptance of all body types regardless of weight, height, feature, complexion, figure, or appearance
· Encourage the self-esteem and self-confidence of people
· Challenging the outlook on bodies that societies have created.
How Does Body Positivity fit with Plastic Surgery?
One should know that plastic surgery or aesthetic procedures are not a quick fix for a total makeover. Instead, plastic surgery is performed to make a correction, improvement, or enhancement in your present body profile to offer you an aesthetically accepted body image. However, the unrealistic expectation has no place in the plastic cosmetic surgery that lure people to magical contour overnight. Instead, plastic surgery is a way to optimize someone's body to make them comfortable and confident in the best way possible matched to realistic expectations.
Nowadays scenario has changed how patients talk to the plastic surgeon. They require more realistic, natural outcomes rather than a supermodel figure. However, requesting natural procedures are more in demand than the celebrity's figure.
We at Dr. Karishma Aesthetics are dedicated to offering you the best realistic outcomes and making you feel natural at every angle of your body, that further helps boost your confidence. As a result, you will look beautiful, and your attitude will radiate, regardless of your body type.
If you want to know more or are looking for plastic cosmetic surgery, contact Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., at Dr. Karishma Aesthetics at +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, +91 7624809006 and schedule your one-on-one consultation today.
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