Liposuction: Is this weight loss technique permanent?

Weight loss and fat-burning exercises are among the largest searched terms on the Internet. And, there are many factors to consider when you’re almost on the verge of giving up. We advocate having a holistic and all-natural approach to your physical and mental health. But what if all the workouts, yoga poses, and diets have bent the knee? Sometimes, liposuction helps – not just for cosmetic enhancement but for its health benefits too.
If you desire to achieve a slim body and are not able to achieve it even with heavy workouts? It’s time to rethink where the fault is and what measures we should take to achieve the desired body contour.
However, one must know that even if you have been gymming, following strict diets, or exercising, there are stubborn, diet-resistant, and genetic fat deposits on some areas of your body. Sometimes, losing weight may become an arduous task due to an underlying injury, or hormonal problem. Hence, in such cases, liposuction is recommended.
What is liposuction?
The liposuction procedure involves removing stubborn pockets of fat from any area of the body, using specialized devices like VASER (high frequency Ultrasound 4th generation device) Laser lipo or Power lipo.
Is Liposuction Permanent?
Yes, the results of the procedure are considered permanent. But before quitting your diet and dropping the dumbbell, you must remember that your body weight is not permanent. Even if you are done with liposuction, it is mandatory to maintain your lifestyle with the right diet and exercise management to restore the results.
But before jumping on the lipo train, we have answered a whole set of questions and busted all the myths around liposuction
Who Can Opt For Liposuction?
- Aged 18-70 years
- An individual with good skin and toned muscles, but stubborn pockets of fat.
- A patient with normal BMI.
- A person who is ready to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet for weight loss.
There are some measures that you should follow before liposuction surgery.
Here is the pre-operative advice:
- Avoid smoking a few weeks before and at least 6 weeks after for best results.
- Try to lose as much weight before you plan this procedure, so that the only target is your stubborn fat.
- Any medical conditions have to be evaluated and a thorough medical evaluation needs to be done.
Post-op measures to be followed by the liposuction patients are:
- Keep a healthy diet.
- It is advised to be active by the 2nd to 3rd day of the procedure. One needs to walk daily for 20-30 minutes. The patient should start workouts by 2nd to 3rd week to continue weight loss.
- Take medications as suggested.
- Wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks after the procedure.
Do you know that liposuction has many benefits other than just a weight loss procedure?
Benefits of Liposuction in other Medical Fields
- Improves the body contour that can’t be possible even with diet/exercise.
- Liposuction has been scientifically proven to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol, thereby initiating weight loss overtime.
- Tightens the skin and reduce cellulite.
- Reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes in obese patients.
- Many people suffer from severe knee joint pains, hips pains or low back pains due to heavy fat bulges around the torso. In addition, they are unable to follow a fitness routine or go to the gym to workout. Some people may find it difficult to walk due to their weight. In these severe cases, liposuction is advised to reduce their bulk (not just for contouring or aesthetic reasons), so they can function better and perform their normal daily activities at ease.
- Many men suffer from an overgrowth of breast tissue in the chest (Gynecomastia/ male boobs). Liposuction comes as a relief for such cases.
Is Liposuction Affordable?
Just like any other super specialty surgery, be it cardiac, neurosurgery or urosurgery, liposuction poses similar costs. However, these costs may vary from patient to patient based on their surgical goal, the extent of the surgery, the expertise cum qualification of the performing surgeon.
But before considering liposuction as the last resort, try to follow a good diet, exercise often and stay healthy as much as you should. As they say, au naturale is the right way to a fit self!
Source - Healthshots
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.