Top 5 Causes of Body Odour and Treatments

“Body odour is not serious, but an offensive concern that requires medical treatments when it bothers you!”
- Do you know too much sugar intake causes body odour?
- Do you know your weight, obesity and hormonal changes play a key role in body odour?
- Are you aware that ignoring your skin hygiene may cause body odour?
- Do you know body odour can be good, bad, or have no smell?
Body odour is a common concern for both men and women that happens when bacteria on your skin come into contact with sweat. Our skin is naturally covered with bacteria, the biotic aspect of the human body. When bacteria that live in the skin break down sweat into acids can cause body odour.
Bacteria+ Acids = BO( Body odour). The odour extent may be less, more, or none offensive based on your foods, hormones, medications, and weight.
It’s embarrassing to talk about it and usually blamed on poor hygiene. Typical culprits are not bathing regularly, wearing dirty clothes repeatedly, wearing synthetic clothes too often, and not using deodorants.
Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., is a fully trained and highly qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon who noted, “body odour needs cosmetic treatment when it bothers you due to medication, hormonal issues and overweight issues. She adds that it is essential you maintain good skin hygiene and if you sense any bacterial and fungal infections, you must consult with a board-certified dermatologist cosmetologist when body odour becomes a fixed issue.
The Top 5 Causes of Body Odour are as Follows:
1. Medical Conditions :
Hyperhidrosis- causes the body to sweat more. Excessive sweating mixes with body bacteria to give a foul smell. 4-5%of the population have Primary hyperhidrosis - which is hereditary. Excessive sweating is seen more underarms/ groin/ palms/ feet. Secondary hyperhidrosis can happen due to the intake of certain drugs for a prolonged period.
(Antidepressants, Pilocarpine used to treat dry mouth, Zinc supplements, Iron supplements).
- Diabetes
- Thyroid conditions
- Kidney failure/ liverdiseases
2. Hormonal Change:
Teens, pregnant women, and perimenopausal or menopausal women can experience hot flashes and night sweats, increasing excessive sweating and odour.
3. Nutrient Deficiencies:
Mineral deficiencies, particularly Zinc, cause body odour. A zinc deficiency may occur due to underactive thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) that produces few thyroid hormones and affect the detoxification process, resulting in body odour.
4. Alcohol:
A constant intake of alcohol can trigger foul body smell. When we take alcohol; it comes out through pores, resulting in body odour.
5. Certain Foods:
Dietary habits also trigger body odour. Body odour can result from eating onion, garlic, spicy foods, red meat, broccoli, hot sauce, or MSG (monosodium glutamate). Eliminating or reducing these triggers may help improve your body odour.
Treatments for body odour:
1. Use antibacterial soap & follow a healthy lifestyle:
Keep your skin clean by following skincare rituals and use mild antibacterial soaps to clean your body, especially underarms and groin areas. Keep your armpits shaved so sweat evaporates quickly and does not have as much time to interact with bacteria. Make sure you drink plenty of water and stick to a healthy diet free from spicy and oily foods.
2. Try wearing loose fitting cotton garments rather than synthetic tight clothes.
3. Botox:
Botox (Botulinum toxin), a well-known cosmetic treatment, may be recommended by your cosmetologist to control sweating and offensive body smell. Dilute microdroplets of Botox is directly injected into the skin, relax the muscles around sweat glands , thereby reducing the trigger for sweating.
4. Laser Hair Reduction
Laser hair treatment can reduce the hair growth, reduce hair density and thickness. With less hair , the sweating also reduces. Sometimes having or waxing can cause more friction and harm, hence laser hair reduction is extremely safe in a certified clinic with certified medical practyitioners.
5. Obesity control and weight loss
Excessive weight causes arms rubbing against the armpits / groin. Weight loss helps to reduce the friction and also regularize body hormones.
6. Surgery:
Surgery to treat Hyperhidrosis in its severe form is recommended at times. Chronic hyperhidrosis causes skin to become thick, with plenty of ingrown hair ,repeated acne and pus forming boils. Initial treatments comprise of laser hair reduction to treat ingrown hair and reduce hair density and thickness. If the skin has become very thick, then the last stage requires plastic surgery skin reconstruction. Surgery is recommended an when self-care, personal hygiene, and skincare treatments are ineffective. Surgery to treat body odour is called an endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). Surgery severs the sweat-controlling nerves below the skin of the armpit. Surgery is the last but permanent resort to treat body odour issues.
If you want to know more about body odour and their treatment, call Dr. Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., at +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, +91 7624809006, and schedule your consultation today and be beach ready for summer fun with hot girl attitude.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.