Top 7 Myths & Facts about Botox: An Injectable option to get a Youthful & Rejuvenated Appearance

Botox is a non-surgical method to get a youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance received by the injection that uses thin needles to inject botulinum into the problem area of ageing concerns. Botox injection has a pivotal role in improving the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines and the patients get noticeable results over the course of 3-4 days following the treatment without undergoing surgical knives. Optimal results of Botox are apparent in about 15 days.
At DR Karishma Aesthetics, we want you to know the facts and that is why this article is written that helps you in knowing the true information about Botox injection. This will help you to make the decision and our expert team of dermatologists/cosmetologists offers safe, fast, result-oriented solutions for facial ageing. DR. Karishma Kagodu and her team use Botox with an artistic approach to give you more natural and aesthetically pleasing results.
In this write-up, we have debunked a few of the top myths and facts about the Botox treatment/procedure.
Here’s what you need to know about Botox injection in the context of Myths & Facts: -
Myth 1: Botox is only for Women.
Fact: This is one of the most common misconceptions that Botox treatment only for women. But, the fact, says, it is for both men and women who have ageing concerns and want to get back a youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance. Men and women both age and wish to have a younger appearance and Botox is what is performed to offer you younger-looking skin by addressing the ageing concerns such as fine lines, sagging, or wrinkles. Wrinkles are something, don’t only cause a dull appearance but also make your facial appearance angrier, however, opting for the Botox procedure is much relevant regardless of gender, the factor of ageing, or rate of ageing progresses.
Myth 2: Botox is unsafe.
Fact: Botox is a completely safe cosmetic treatment. It has been used for anti-ageing purposes for over 20 years and is known as the most popular treatment all over the world. It’s always recommended to have the procedure only from the expert and board-certified cosmetologist/dermatologist who has in-depth knowledge and practical experience of performing the Botox treatment for many years. It is entirely safe and a cosmetic report based on Botox treatment globally says that there have been more than 16 million successful procedures performed since the treatment was introduced.
Myth 3: Botox gives permanent Results.
Fact: Botox gives the temporary result. It is true that Botox result doesn’t last forever, but one can maintain the long-lasting effect by following the scheduled follow-ups, regular treatment visits, and opting for a routine treatment session around the year. Generally, Botox results are visible within 2 weeks of the treatment and then results tend to last between three and six months.
Myth 4: You won’t be able to move your face.
Fact: This is a major myth that botox treatment causes a frozen look. But, it is not true and rests assured about the results if the procedure is performed by an expert and experienced cosmetologist at an accredited cosmetic center/clinic. If Botox treatment is performed by choosing the appropriate and right technique gives a natural-looking result with a youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance. However, choosing the right technique is key to the success of Botox injection. Botox injection doesn’t immobilize your face muscles to the point that you’re unable to show facial expressions.
Myth 5: Botox is a painful procedure.
Fact: Many of us have this misconception that Botox is a painful procedure as it involves the injection process to do the job. But, it is just confusion and botox doesn’t hurt anyways. The needle used to perform the procedure is relatively small and are comparable to the pinpricks of acupuncture. It doesn’t irritate, but one can experience mild bruising and swelling following the procedure heals its own.
Myth 6: Botox is just for Wrinkles.
Fact: Botox has many advantages and it’s not just limited to removing wrinkles. Botox can be effectively used for lifting eyebrows, treating dimpling of the chin, softening the jawline, and raising corners of the mouth that have begun to droop or getting saggy. Botox has also a key role in treating migraine pain by reducing muscle tension and decreasing the strain that is put on the nervous system. Botox is also used to treat sweating problems.
Myth 7: Once the treatment with Botox is stopped the wrinkles appear worse.
Fact: Absolutely not! This is just a myth that Botox can make you older once you stopped using or receiving Botox treatment. This is an individual response that how long your botox go as sometimes it goes for 3-4 months and in some people, they can go for up to 6 months. It is only possible to get the wrinkles and fine lines back or at the initial stage if you stop taking the Botox session because muscles regain their normal movements and the lines and wrinkles return to the previous stage (before the treatment with Botox).
On the whole, we can say that Botox treatment is a powerhouse of aging treatment that gives you a radiant, youthful, and rejuvenated appearance without the burden of any of the surgical procedures. Botox results can be seen within 2 weeks and the effect can last up to six months, depending on your physiological and anatomical status of the body. So, if you’re ready for a minimally invasive way to address the ageing signs, call DR. Karishma Aesthetics and schedule an informative consultation with our expert, or book online virtual consultation on our site using our web form.
The content published on the website is for creating awareness and educating purposes only. This shall not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. The results mentioned on the website may vary from person to person as each case is different.