Top FAQs about Double Chin Reduction Surgery

· Are you losing youthful facial contour due to ageing, and double chin is becoming your concern?
· Did you know obesity is not alone a key factor for double chin, but genetics are also at play?
· Did you know the most prominent cause for a double chin is weight gain/ obesity, linked to several health issues, such as high BP, type 2 diabetes, heart ailment, and more?
· Did you know even thin people may have a double chin due to a lack of muscle density, resulting in a higher body fat composition?
Double chin or submental fullness is a common issue that can compromise your looks and beauty but does not link to medical concerns. However, addressing the double chin issue comes under cosmetic surgery. A double chin removal surgery involves the removal of excess fat cells from beneath the skin via liposuction, where a tiny cannula takes out extra unwanted fat. At the same time, a neck lift repositions muscles and trims away loose skin that creates folds and wattles. But one should note that even though double chin is not linked to any other medical concerns, the probability of having health concerns is higher if the issue is caused by obesity or being overweight.
Dr Karishma Kagodu, MS, M CH., a board-certified plastic cosmetic surgeon and head of Dr Karishma Aesthetics, Indiranagar, Bangalore, shared the details about a double chin issue, as 68 per cent of people are in the same boat, according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Besides anatomy, hereditary factor, and airway positioning, a double chin issue is caused by obesity. When being overweight is a concern; it can trigger several medical concerns, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease, added Dr. Kagodu.
In this write-up, Dr Karishma explains what you need to know about the problem and your options for addressing the double chin concern.
Following are the top FAQs that you must be aware of:
Q: What Causes a Double Chin?
A double chin means excess weight carried underneath the chin, typically between the chin and neck. Besides genetics and anatomy, such as a recessed jaw, weak bone structure, loose skin, or losing youthful facial contour due to ageing, the most prominent cause of a double chin is obesity or weight gain. The neck is the most prominent area where ageing signs of fat pocket deposits get obvious. However, double chin concern is addressed with liposuction, including neck liposuction and neck lift. Moreover, even thin people may develop a double chin due to a lack of muscle density, resulting in a higher body fat composition.
Q. What Are Double Chin Surgeries?
Chin liposuction is a common procedure to address double chin, where excess fat is eliminated from beneath the skin. A small cannula is used to remove excess fat, while excess skin that creates folds and wattles is trimmed out via neck lift. Neck liposuction helps contour your chin and neck areas as your plastic surgeon reshapes your jawline; on the other hand, a neck lift removes extra skin from around the neck and chin. Neck lift procedures are of two types, i.e., cervicoplasty, which aims to remove extra skin around the neck and chin. And another one is platysmaplasty, which aims to tighten neck muscles. Both procedures help contour your neck and chin areas and address the concern of a double chin. Facelift surgery is also included for addressing the double chin, where extra fat and excess, saggy skin is removed from around your chin and neck area.
Q. Who is a Suitable Candidate for Double Chin Surgery?
Anyone can be a suitable candidate for double chin surgery if they are healthy and have a good, firm skin tone. A patient must have realistic expectations and should quit smoking a few weeks before and after the procedure. A healthy, younger patient with an ideal, stable weight, saggy skin, and persistent chin fat deposits but not obese or overweight can be a good candidate for a double chin.
Q. What is Double Chin Surgery Recovery Timeline Like?
The recovery timeline significantly depends on the extent of the procedure and what approach your plastic surgeon applied for the procedure. Usually, recovery from chin liposuction may take a few days to a week, while recovery from a neck lift may take up to two weeks. Furthermore, the recovery response and timeline may vary from patient to patient based on their anatomy, problem status, surgical goals, and type of procedure/ technique employed to perform the surgery.
If you have questions or would like to book an appointment with Dr Karishma Kagodu, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Kaesthetics, Bangalore, please call +91 8042036382, +91 9108969006, +91 7624809006 and schedule your one-on-one consultation today.
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